Jul 12, 2010


Our college LAN and its Internet service protected by Sonicwall...........Sonicwall is most powerful firewall in India.......it is not hackable but we use our faculties username and password for use Internet in our college.......mostly all faculties username and password start with their name.......

first of all we check the lan connection in pc in any computer lab. some pc have not lan connection in our college so check first and if it have than start the mozilla.........sonicwall ask you username and password and type faculties name in both username and password wait  10 sec if you logged on than minimize logged screen and surf internet

eg. username-amit
  sometimes some fuclties use their username so use another faculties username and password most of our college faculties have its name used as username and password...........

NOTE- At a time only one person use a single username and password

thank you


Want to hack our college website? It is not difficult.......

two simple step

1. Open www.hgce.org/admin

2. Type username and password........
    confuse which username and password will   
    you enter?
    simple use faculties name........
eg.  username-hetal

And see magic  you will enter in admin section..........But you will not access whole website data only access admin page if you want whole access than you must crack ftp username and password..........ftp link is below..........

  try it your self.......if you want to help, mail me  hgcecollege@gmail.com

if you want to see index of pages of our hgce website than click below link

If you want to change site info you must have ftp password and username for full access....................... thank you...........

Jul 4, 2010


Student-One who is being educated,person actively learning,who learn better.......these all qualities  are not in our college students they have only one quality 'quality of sportsmanship'.......they are always enjoy their sleep in classrooms.........


An ideal FACULTY is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect FACULTY prefers to give positive motivation to his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. Such a FACULTY shapes the entire life of the students................From all these qualities our FACULTIES have few..............