Jul 4, 2010


An ideal FACULTY is the one we respect from our heart. He/she acts as a guide to the students, while not pushing them too much. Such a perfect motivates them and boosts their morale. He/she tries to encourage the students and refrains from criticizing them. The perfect FACULTY prefers to give positive motivation to his/her students. His/her comments are always constructive in nature. He/she serves as our friend, guide, educator, confidante, and a blend of all the good qualities one can posses. Such a FACULTY shapes the entire life of the students................From all these qualities our FACULTIES have few..............


Anonymous said...

i know hgce faculties

doktor said...

salu have to 7th na studnts ane faculties ma kai diff j khabar nath padto.badha same j lage chhe.ane knowledge na hisabe jova jaiye to students ma faculty karta vadhare chhe.....